学术报告:Study of the ZnO nanowire growth and their applications on green energy and environment

报告时间:2018 年 04 月 16 日(周一 ) 上午 10 :00

报告地点:物理大楼二层220 会议室

报告嘉宾:王亚敏  教授

报告简介:Chemical pollution in water and air induced by increasing human activity is a growing threat to our planet. This is why one of the goals of sustainable development is water depollution and air purification. The ZnO nanostructure is a very promising material to rise to such challenge. Indeed, the photocatalysis is a well-known and efficient process for achieving water & air depollution, with very limited rejects in the environment. As an excellent photocatalyst, ZnO is able to mineralize a large scale of organic pollutants in water & air. The main obstacles for using ZnO as a photocatalyst are the high recombination rate of photo-generated electron/hole pairs, and its wide band-gap, which only allows the use of photons from UV spectrum in photocatalytic process. In this work, the doped ZnO nanowire were synthesized by a simple two-step hydrothermal method, and their high photocatalysis performance has been demonstrated for the degradation of some largely widespread industrial dyes, as well as for the COVs depollution.

嘉宾简介:Yamin  LEPRINCE-WANG (王亚敏),法国巴黎东大ESYCOM实验室教授,1985年本科毕业浙江大学光仪系激光专业,于1991年与1995年在巴黎六大获硕士与博士学位,同年入职巴黎马恩河谷大学助理教授,2003年升为,2008年成为正教授,2013年荣升大学一级教授。曾任马恩河谷大学材料科学系主任(2006-2010),LPMDI实验室主任(2008-2014),以及马恩河谷大学材料部研究生主任,现任该校材料科学与工程部研究生主任。主要研究领域为氧化物纳米材料的可控制备与在能源环境领域的应用,在Advanced Materials, Nano letters, Physical Review B, Lab on a Chip, Thin Solid Films等杂志上发表80余篇学术论文。

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