姚献坤,1989.08出生,陕西咸阳人, 博士,讲师
2019.09至今,皇冠足球最新版APP, 教师
1. Xiankun Yao and Xueming Liu*, “Solitons in the fractional Schrödinger equation with parity-time- symmetric lattice potential,” Photonics Research 6(9), 875-879 (2018).
2. Xiankun Yao and Xueming Liu* “Off-site and on-site vortex solitons in space-fractional photonic lattices,” Optics Letters 43(23), 5749-5752 (2018).
3. Xueming Liu*, Xiankun Yao, and Yudong Cui, “Real-time observation of the buildup of soliton molecules,” Physical Review Letters 121(2), 023905 (2018).
4. Xiankun Yao and Xueming Liu*, “Beam dynamics in disordered PT-symmetry optical lattices based on eigenstate analyses,” Physical Review A 95(3), 033804 (2017).
5. Xiankun Yao, “Three types of pulses delivered from a nanotube–mode -locked fiber laser,” Laser Physics 25(7), 075101 (2015).
6. Xiankun Yao, “Switchable linear-cavity nanotube-mode-locking fiber laser emitting picosecond or femtosecond pulses,” Optics Communications 335, 262-265 (2015).
7. Xiankun Yao, “Generation of bidirectional stretched pulses in a nanotube-mode-locked fiber laser,” Applied Optics 53(1), 27-31(2014).
8. Xiankun Yao, “Wavelength demultiplexing in metal–insulator–metal plasmonic waveguides,” Modern Physics Letters B 28(4), 1450025 (2014).